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Drill Plans

  • Regular/Staggered drill pattern design
  • Definable grid spacing in X and Y
  • Definable sample and minimum sample lengths
  • QA/QC sample occurrence definable by interval or percentage
  • Inclusion/Exclusion of Blank, Standard and Duplicate QC samples
  • Fully customizable QA/QC sample naming convention

  • Drill to specified elevation or by hole length
  • Numbering sequence in ascending or descending order
  • Last sample can be at the bottom or top of the hole
  • Fully customizable hole and sample naming convention
  • Fully customizable Collar, Survey and Assay fields
  • Output can be generated in DataShed-ready format for easy integration
  • Definable active and inactive profiles


Drill Data


  • Importing and Management of Geological Drill Data
  • Sample overlap checks


  • Collar, Survey and Assay profile types
  • Unlimited field and element mapping


Data Processing



Profile based interpolation runs executable by selection

  • Unlimited Domain and Sub-Domain definable profiles
  • Fully extended data and block model constraint options
  • Intersection options by DTM and 3DM
  • Available estimation methods include Nearest Neighbor, Inverse Distance and Ordinary Kriging
  • Fixed and Variable Percentile outlier trimming functionality
  • Simple execution of runs by selecting Domains/Sub-Domains and elements



Material type, color coded based extraction to visually aid digplan creation

  • Boundary and elevation based extraction
  • Centroids are color coded based on user defined styles
  • Suggested polygon outlines can be automatically generated further minimizing the time it takes to create dig plans
  • Polygon design environment is activated allowing the user to begin creating/manipulating polygons on extract completion


Dig Plans

  • Fully customizable Digplan naming convention
  • Definable active and inactive profiles
  • Color and styling based on material type or primary element
  • Optional automated generation and plotting of survey markouts
  • Automated generation of survey instrument loadable (csv formatted) markout output
  • Shot approval/rejection functionality
  • Fully supports multi-element environments
  • Optional automated polygon labeling
  • Optional automated inclusion of drill data composite values
  • Optional automated generation and plotting of geological plans
  • Landscape and Portrait plotting orientation and multiple plotting size options available
  • Optional automated inclusion of latest survey data?? on plots
  • Optional style reclassification digplan generation


On-Demand Reporting

  • Filter based on-demand production reports
  • Customizable filter groups can be made up of any combination of date, project, location, shot and elevation constraints
  • Selectable chart elements
  • Interactive charts based on defined filters breaking results down to shot and individual polygons
  • On-demand generation of historical polygon data into string file output
  • On-demand generation and exporting of data in csv format
  • On-demand output of graphical reports in pdf format
  • On-demand generation in block model format of all point in time block and resultant digplan polygon data facilitating further external -data interrogation, auditing and resource model reconciliation


System Administration

  • Profile based user and user group management securing functionality
  • Hierarchically structured one-to-many relationships for Projects, Locations, Domains and Sub-Domains
  • Run test scenarios with Active/Inactive profile functionality
  • Intuitive flow based user interface makes it easy to define your project parameters
  • Password protected application functionality


