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What is gradeRunner


Not just another ore control management system.

Intuitive, easy to use and effective, gradeRunner 2.0 is designed to deliver an advanced ore control management solution helping mining operations around the world run at optimal efficiency.



What it is, How it works.

When we decided to develop an Ore Control Management System (OCMS) our objective was to not only design an intuitive and easy to use user interface but to simplify and optimize as much of the ore control management process as we could, so we could truly deliver an effective solution that would without a doubt improve every mining operations ore control management efficiency. -We believe that with gradeRunner 2.0 we have achieved what we set out to do.

gradeRunner 2.0 separates the ore control management process into five distinct phases, then simplifies and optimizes the way you interact with each. Projects, Locations, Domains Sub-Domains and their respective configuration and parameters are defined from an administrator interface and are made available to associated front-end functionality and procedures which make progressing through the five phases a breeze.



Intuitive, flow based user interface.

A remarkably simple to use user interface designed from the ground up to be both simple to learn and practical makes interacting with gradeRunner 2.0, -from its fluid and elegant design to its efficient and to-the-point layout, an experience that will have you wondering where all the complexities associated with ore control disappeared to.



Privilege based user management system.

Access to functionality is managed from an intuitive user management interface, from this user management interface you can define users and user groups, and their relative privileges effectively structuring access rights to suit your organization.



Generating Drill Plans

User definable Drill Plan Profiles contain all necessary options and parameters, once defined generating Drill Plans can be simplified to selecting the relative profile and Location, hitting the process button and getting all the necessary drill hole, assay and plot outputs, tailored to your specific naming convention, constraints and requirements.


Running Interpolation Routines

User definable Domain and Sub-Domain Profiles relative to Locations allow you to easily specify and relate composite and estimation parameters, once defined running Interpolations Routines is simplified to selecting a Location, and the Elements, Domains and Sub-Domains and hitting the process button.


Working with gradeRunner.

From the ground up we designed the gradeRunner 2.0 user interface keeping the balance between simplicity and practicality in mind while defining an intuitive framework through which users can interact with application functionality.

Except for privilege based functionality access, a unique and fluid user interface experience and extensive customization options, gradeRunner 2.0 has refined, optimized and otherwise overhauled a great degree of functionality building on the experience and knowledge we gained from version 1.0 resulting in a more structured, polished, efficient and flexible Ore Control Management System.



Visual Ore Maps

Based on selected Location, Elevation and specified Shot ID, material type color coded Visual Ore Maps and automatically generated guide polygons can be used to aid the polygon digitizing phase and streamline the Dig Plan generation process.


Generating Dig Plans

User definable Dig Plan Profiles contain all necessary options and parameters, once defined and selected along with your Location, Elevation, Shot ID and Polygon data gradeRunner 2.0 will generate all the necessary Dig Plan and plot outputs, tailored to your specific naming convention, material classification, constraints and requirements.


Reports, On-Demand.

Generate interactive reports instantly and on-demand, gradeRunner 2.0 offers extensive filtering functionality generating time, project, location, shot and elevation constrained reports, allowing you to drill down from material type grouped totals to totals per shot and further still to individual polygon figures, interactive charts make navigating, generating and interrogating reports a quick and simple process that concludes with a simple click to to export to pdf, csv, str (redrawing shots and polygons) and mdl (building a block model containing shot and polygon data).
